A new member…
It has been more than 8 years since I have owned an AF camera. And up to this point I tried to avoid being a hybrid shooter as much as possible, believing that photography and video are two very different disciplines. And I still believe they are.
ttArtisan adaptor ring
But I also know that learning new stuff can be fun. And I’m willing to explore the idea that as well as written copy can support a photography project, video might have a similar effect.
Having new gear, just to have new gear is not really my thing. And investing is something I find scary… always. But exploring new territory to expand the possibilities of what I can do ís my thing and investing to expand work possibilities might be smart as well.
With this new family member, I welcome AF, Zoom lenses, video capabilities, hi-iso options, dual memory slots ánd I can still also use my manual M lenses as well.
Soon I’ll be using her in the field as I have quite an exciting reportage coming up. Can’t wait!
ISO 6400 f2.8 at 1/100s, quick edit from raw as a kodak portra 400 in LR.