Even though I have tried to create categories in which most of my work can be subdivided, there are still even more series of photos, moments in time and assignments I’ve done, that can’t be fitted in any of them. So therefore I have created this category. These are images of special people I have met, events, athletes, specific cultures, artists, of which I felt the need to still show them in my portfolio.

Children of the world
For me, children are a perfect reflexion of how life stands in a community, a city or even a country. At the same time they show me how life could or even how it should be. Every time I work with children, I am confronted with what humanity let’s them endure. And I am amazed with their strength and resilience, the sheer amount of dreams they have and their ability to imagine the most wonderful outcomes of life. This is why I - time and time again - am grateful to hear their story and I strive to tell it on, as best as I can.
By doing the work I do, I realise on a daily basis that what is normal for me, isn’t always that normal. By seeing, experiencing and capturing the struggle some people have, I am fully aware that what is seen as self-evident at home, actually is not. Even though together we have come up with a guidebook of human rights, I see stories that make me feel humanity is denying these same rights to so many. I feel grateful that I am able to tell some of these stories of people for whom it’s tough or maybe even impossible to tell it themselves. As I do believe that the more we all see of the world around us, the more we can understand it, the more we can connect with it.
A healthy world
Health standards are different in every country and still we can all get sick. Healthcare is not just about a hospital. It can also be about the fascinating question what it means to be mentally ill. I found my trip to Peru, to learn more about autism, enlightening. Healthcare for all means in a hospital, in the mind, in rural areas, in sickness ánd in health. It’s a topic that - especially when combined with social, cultural and financial differences - has always fascinated me.
Our Planet
I love the work I do. Exploring different parts of this planet, getting to know the cultures that live there and getting a sense of understanding how people live in various corners of the world. But I do realise that all that traveling has its impact on the environment that we live in. This is why for every flight I’m not only paying my little share of CO2-tax, I have my commissioner do the same also. I’m aware it’s only a small sacrifice to make, but never the less, it keeps me and the people I work for aware of what we are doing with the world. That’s why I also find it important to tell stories about the environment, show images of the impact that we as human beings have on the surroundings that we live in.